December 29, 2024
The News to His World (Wise Men/Epiphany Sunday)
Sermon Series:
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Matthew 2:1-12
Main Idea
No one is beyond the good news of the gospel
1. The King of kings has come — Verses 1-6
2. Good News to Wise Men — Verses 7-12
When you think of the Christmas story, which characters stand out to you the most, and why?
Have you ever felt drawn to seek out something greater or more meaningful in your life? What motivated you to pursue it?
Discussion Questions
In verses 1-6, the Wise Men arrive in Jerusalem seeking the newborn King of the Jews. What does their journey tell us about the recognition of Jesus’ kingship beyond the Jewish community?
Reflect on Isaiah 9:6-7, which prophesies the coming of a ruler with an everlasting kingdom. How does this Old Testament prophecy enhance your understanding of Jesus as the King of kings?
The inclusion of the Wise Men in the nativity story demonstrates that the message of Jesus is for all people, regardless of background. How does this inclusivity challenge or affirm your understanding of the gospel’s reach?
Reflect on Ephesians 2:17-19, which speaks of Christ bringing peace to those who were far away and those who were near. How can we, as a faith community, embody this message of inclusivity and share the good news with others?
In what ways can you actively seek Jesus in your daily life, emulating the Wise Men’s determination and commitment?
How can you offer your own ‘gifts’—be it time, resources, or talents—in worship and service to Jesus?
Are there individuals or groups in your community who might feel excluded from the gospel message? How can you reach out to them to share the inclusive love of Christ?